• Call: +88 02 5815 2121
  • Email: chayatalbd@gmail.com
Mst. Mim Akter
  • Date Of Birth: 2010-05-15
  • Dream: Singer
  • Country: Bangladesh
  • Amount: 1500

I am Mim. I lost my father when I was young. My family revolves around my mother. I used to sell flowers to people on the street in the park. I wanted to study and wanted to go to school like everyone else. I used to see many children like me reading while selling flowers in the park. I was very interested to see that after listening to my words, sir and mams of Chayatal Bangladesh admitted me. Since then I have been studying in Chayatal Bangladesh and currently, I read in class 03. Growing up, I wanted to become a pilot and I would fulfill my mother’s dream.