Bangladesh is an Agricultural Country. Most of Bangladesh’s economy is dependent on Agriculture. One of the most important steps taken by the agriculture sector of Chayatal Bangladesh is to provide agricultural training to children and promote self-reliance in the agricultural sector to boost the production of Bangladesh. Chayatal Bangladesh is committed to building underprivileged street children into their homes or dream schools. Here they will acquire agricultural knowledge through various activities such as:

Community Gardens: Establish community gardens where children can actively participate in growing crops. This hands-on experience allows them to learn about cultivation, watering, and harvesting.

Environmental Awareness: Emphasize the connection between agriculture and the environment. Teach children about sustainable farming practices and the importance of preserving natural resources.

Community fish farming projects: Engage students in community-based fish farming projects. This could involve collaborating with local communities to set up sustainable fish farming initiatives that benefit both the students and the community.